Mission: Equipping Christians with the road map, resources, and community to find their God given purpose & live it out!

Learn to live set apart with a fire in your heart!

(Click a title below to learn more)

Nutrition & Fitness Coaching

Find the accountability you need to consistently stick to healthy habits like working out and eating healthy. Treat your body like a temple.

Life Skills Classes

Learn the vital skills needed to survive, thrive, and live a set apart life. You were made for more than mediocrity. Learn to live a set apart life!

Life Groups

Each of us has a unique God given purpose that only we can live out.  Get plugged into our community and learn and grow alongside like minded people.

About Meghan

Christian Growth Coach

Meghan spent 15 years as a public school teacher and questioned it every step of the way as she faced adversity. One winter break she read through Craig Groeschel’s book Chazown and it changed her life! She sensed she was made for more, and that God wanted her to quit her teaching job…but she was filled with a million questions on how to make that happen.

She stayed in her teaching position through the pandemic and eventually felt so burned out from the toxic work place environment she was in, the gender discrimination, the broken education system, and the way hustle culture was promoted in society that she pushed even harder to find clarity in her vision for this wellness coaching thing she started back in 2016. That’s where she went from being just some Beachbody Coach to creating Set Apart Fitness, which then flourished into Live Set Apart!

She realized wellness was truly a whole life thing. It was about treating your body like a temple not just in what you ate, how much you exercised, or what you listened to and watched but also with who you surrounded yourself with. That community piece is essential! I’m glad you’re reading this and are here to join me in living a happier, healthier, set apart, fit life!

My Approach

Is to meet you right where you are in your wellness journey and team up with you to help you create the life you’ve always imagined but never been able to attain.

My Process

We’ll take a look at your life, habits, relationships, and create a road map that gives you small steps to take in order to reach your goal over time. No quick fixes here, just lasting results.

Unique Framework

I’ve created a wide variety of resources to help you live a set apart life and found a bunch of helpful resources to equip you with that will propel you towards your goals. I can’t wait to share them with you.


If I’ve helped you in any way along your wellness journey please leave a review using the button below.

Thanks, Meghan

Thank you for having such a positive attitude while still keeping it real. You share how to eat well, how exercise can be fun, and that getting out with friends not only helps your body move but helps you mentally too. You are a bright spot in my day and I appreciate you so much.

Melissa E

Resources I’ve Developed!

Along my journey I found it super confusing to navigate all the ways the world was telling me how to live a healthier life. I learned so much, tried so many nutrition and fitness programs, and eventually found what works for me. I’m now sharing that with my clients. 

Connect with me today

You don’t have to navigate this all alone.

Contact me today!

Email Address


Where I'm Located

Cortland, NY